General Interesting Links: April 2018


Yes, the figure at the bottom of this absurdly tall tree is a horse!


Bunch of random stuff that I liked this month:

In this process, which scientists call ‘ballooning’, the spider creates a sail-like web that catches the breeze, allowing it to travel distances as short as a few meters or embark on epic journeys that can take them up into the jet stream or as far as remote islands in the ocean.

  • I found some old advertisements that I liked, but I liked them so much I made the one-liner into a separate post.
  • I’ve been watching a bit of “Thomas the Train Engine” with my daughter, and have a growing unease at the back of my mind each time I do, but this person nails the reason why; will never be able to look at it the same way again (!)
  • I feel terrible that I never paid attention to this line at the beginning of The Big Lebowski, so here’s someone over-analyzing it
  • Something that doesn’t fit anywhere: about seeking, and insights (also has something to say about the Matrix, and about just doing)
  • The “canon wars” continue on (I’m very pessimistic about all this; readers who’ve seen me mention Allan Bloom in the past know which side of the fence I sit on, though)
  • Finally, the real” story of Alladin turns out to be way more obscure/interesting than I knew!

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