Monthly recap: January 2016


Can’t believe the first month of 2016 is already over.

The big highlight (for me) is that I started running again, trying to keep it once a week on Sunday mornings. The current goal is to do a 14-mile run by March. We’ll see how it goes.

The second big highlight is that I fished out the half-novel manuscript I wrote as part of NaNoWriMo last year, and edited it a bit, etc. Still have to work on a lot of rough edges, but I’d like to take it “all the way” and then forget about it (gist: a very trippy psychedelic “Alice-In-Wonderland-for-adults” sort of tale).

Miscellaneous stuff: I experimented with a New Yorker subscription for several months, then gave up and went back to the Economist, and began a trial daily habit of Lumosity and Duolingo on my phone. Tried to cut down on random internet browsing, with limited success. Planning a long (three-week) trip to India in March. Photo above taken from through a grille window on a cloudy day.

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